Theatre for Young People

10 May 2012


After the first performances and shows directed by Elena Baredi and Carlo Maria Rossi, a new group of pupils/actors is currently attending a two-year training course held by Gabriele Tesauri in collaboration with La Baracca-Testoni Ragazzi of Bologna, focused on the techniques for creating and staging shows for children.

The productions of theatre for young people are the following:

2004 – Ascolta ti racconto (Listen, I will tell you a story), directed by Elena Baredi.
2005 – Naviga, Naviga Via (Sail, Sail Away), directed by Elena Baredi.
2006 – Storia di un Pifferaio (Story of a Piper), directed by Elena Baredi.
2007 – Don Chisciotte … un po’ per uno (Don Quixote… a little bit to each one), directed by Elena Baredi.
2009 – Una notte con i fratelli Grimm (One Night with the Grimm Borthers), directed by Carlo Maria Rossi, in collaboration with La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi of Bologna.
2012 – Il viaggio degli uccelli, directed by Valeria Frabetti, in colalboration with La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi of Bologna.

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