Associazione Arte e Salute ONLUS

The Association Arte e Salute ONLUS collaborates with the Department of Mental Health of the Bologna Local Health Authority in the development  of the project promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region Teatro e Salute Mentale(Theatre and Mental Health), with the aim of improving the autonomy, quality of life and bargaining power of people suffering from mental disorders, through special activities and work in the theatrical and communication fields.
Arte e Salute was founded in 2000 with the special awareness, by its founding members, that psychiatric rehabilitation does not develop only in health care facilities, and that it is becoming more and more necessary to find alternative ways for rehabilitation which – regardless of the particular diseases and pathologies – should take into account not only the difficulties and limitations encountered by the patients, but above all their potential, abilities and talent.
The activities carried out by the association in the field of theatre are Drama, Theatre for Young People and Puppet Theatre; in addition, they manage the radio station Psicoradio (Psycho-radio).