
10 May 2012


The theatre company directed by Nanni Garella has, over the years, created and staged several shows based on classic and contemporary texts, presenting them all across Italy.
Success came also thanks to the co-productions with Nuova Scena-Arena del Sole-Teatro Stabile di Bologna and to an unusual and innovative working method, which involved an important national theatre and an artistic/theatrical group with a background of social exclusion and discomfort.
In 2004, the Arte e Salute theatre company and its artistic director Nanni Garella were awarded the “Ubu Prize”.

The productions of the theatre company are the following:

2000 – A midsummer night”s dream by W. Shakespeare, directed by Nanni Garella.

2001 – Ghosts by Luigi Pirandello, directed by Nanni Garella.

2002 – The Giants of the Mountain by Luigi Pirandello, directed by Nanni Garella.

2003 - As you like it by William Shakespeare, directed by Nanni Garella.

2003 – I racconti dei Cippi (The Headstone Tales) by Lorenzo Favella, directed by Gabriele Tesauri. The show was produced and presented on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Liberation of Italy from the Nazi occupation in Correggio. The show gave life to the video “I Racconti dei Cippi”.

2004 – Pinter One-ActsA Kind of Alaska, The Room, A Night Out, directed by Nanni Garella.

2005 – The Dark Side-Voices of artists who experienced psychic distress, by Gabriele Tesauri, written by Maria Cristina Lasagni, musical accompaniment by Maestro Vicini.

2005 – ???????????? The Ways of Life, directed by Nanni Garella. Touring show created on the occasion of the exhibition “The arts of health. The cultural and scientific heritage of Public Healthcare in Emilia-Romagna”. Texts by Alessandro Bergonzoni, Maurizio Clementi, Francesco Maria Piave and Jacopone da Todi.

2005 – Shakespeare Folies, clown games by Francesco Nicolini and Carlo Maria Rossi, directed by Carlo Maria Rossi.

2006 – Life of Galileo by B. Brecht, directed by Nanni Garella.

2007 – Didactic Dramas by B.Brecht, directed by Gabriele Tesauri, with Sandra Passarello, Massimo Sceusa, and Gabriele Tesauri.

2007 – Six Characters in Search of an Author, by Luigi Pirandello, directed by Nanni Garella, with Virginio Gazzolo, Angela Cardile and Nanni Garella.

2008 – Oedipus, based on the screenplay of “Oedipus Rex” by Pier Paolo Pasolini, directed by Nanni Garella, with Silvia Giulia Mendola.

2008 – Rubbish – De Rerum Natura, philosophical comedy based on Lucretius” poem, written and directed by Gabriele Tesauri.

2009 – The Gospel According to Matthew, inspired by the movie by Pier Paolo Pasolini, directed by Nanni Garella.

2010 – Mountain Language, One for the Road, Party Time. Three One-Acts by Harold Pinter, directed by Nanni Garella.

2010 – Motel, loose adaptation of “Free Exchange Hotel” by Georges Feydeau, directed by Gabriele Tesauri.

2011 – Al dutåur di mât, from “The Doctor of the Crazy” by Eduardo Scarpetta, directed by Nanni Garella, with Vito, Marina Pitta and Nanni Garella.


The Theatre Company “Arte e Salute” was awarded the following prizes:

2002, Hystrio Prize for direction, promoted by the “Hystrio” magazine, awarded to Nanni Garella and the Association Arte e Salute.

2004, Ubu Prize, promoted by the yearbook Patalogo, published by Ubulibri. The prize was awarded to Nanni Garella following the vote of 55 theatre critics, for “his work on great classical texts with the company Arte e Salute”.

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